Isaiah, the Prophet of Ecology

"Tis the season to be jolly!" 

The Christmas season has begun in the Philippines--September.

 And this month is also the Season of Creation. Pope Francis has urged us to participate by taking action for our common home.  The season from September 1, the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, through October 4, the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecology.

Isaiah can also be called the patron prophet of ecology. He envisioned peace (shalom) in the world including the animal kingdom (Is 11:6) through global disarmament ("swords into plows" in 2:4).

The First Reading this Sunday (9/5/2021) is one of the best texts on prophetic ecology. Isaiah 35 prophesies a time when ecological conversion (e.g. "burning sands" turning to a swimming pool) includes personal renewal and healing (e.g. "the tongue of the mute will sing").

If you want to know more about Prophet Isaiah, watch the introductory lectures of Fr. Randy on YouTube (link below).

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