Leviticus on Valentine's Day

Love in Leviticus

The First Reading for today, Valentine's Day which is a Sunday 2/14/2021), is from the Book of Leviticus. It's the last book that one would like to go to find "love".

This third book of the Bible is notorious for its laws on sexual uncleanness (chapter 15) and sexual behavior (chapter 18). Today's Reading  (chapter 13) is on the quarantine of those afflicted with "leprosy" (Hebrew: TSARA`AT), the COVID-19 of antiquity.

But it is also the same Leviticus that has the divine command to "love your neighbor as yourself" (19:18).

It's not incorrect then to think that Jesus, in today's Gospel (Mark 1:40-45) could make that extraordinary gesture to touch the "untouchable" leper to heal him. Jesus, the Jew, was faithful to the Torah. He would, later on, quote Leviticus when asked about the First Commandment: "Love the Lord  your God with all your heart . . . Love your neighbor as yourself." Jesus concludes: "There is no other commandment greater than these" (Mark 12:31).

The Book of Leviticus Explained

A few months ago, during the lockdown,  I started an online Bible course--it's still going on an FB Group (click here to join). 

You can watch below these two lectures of mine on the Book of Leviticus if you're new to the book. Please don't forget to SUBSCRIBE on our YouTube channel.
